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The importance of EFFICIENCY

A properly sized, installed, and maintained system adds comfort to your daily life and can save you money on your energy bills. An oversized system is inefficient and will run less often, but will also cost more to operate.

Benefits of Bi-annual Maintenance InspectionS

how new equipment can decrease utility costs

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems are one of the biggest energy users in our homes. You can reduce your energy bill by investing in new HVAC equipment like a heat pump or a geothermal system, or by upgrading your current equipment with a new high-efficiency air conditioner and furnace. When your HVAC system is running efficiently, it can also help to reduce the energy consumption of certain other appliances in your home, as well as your overall energy bill. 

By upgrading to more energy-efficient HVAC equipment you can save a lot of money over the life of your system. If you replace an old furnace with a new one with a higher efficiency rating, according to the Department of Energy, you are looking at energy savings of at least 35%. Older equipment will also require more frequent maintenance and part replacement for decreasing operations. A new furnace can also help with better air flow throughout. When your equipment is turning on more frequently, for longer periods, or making loud noises it may be time to make the decision to repair or replace. 

Energy Efficiency tips

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